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  • Are the non-peanut bars suitable for individuals with peanut allergies?
    Yes, all other ingredients don’t contain peanut piece.
  • If I have an allergy against certain nuts and seeds can I still purchase bars?
    Yes my bars are homemade and I can leave certain ingredients out. However you need to purchase a minimum of 7 bars for the flavor you choose. Please contact me by phone or text (5193877655) or email You also can submit the Request & Order form on my website.
  • Are the bars soy free?
    Yes they are soy free, gluten free and vegan.
  • Do the bars contain any GMOs?
    No ingredients are included which are genetically modified.
  • Why is salt added to the bars?
    I added Celtic sea salt since we need salt especially after sweating. Celtic sea salt has lots of trace minerals like magnesium, potassium and calcium in the right ratio to sodium to hydrate your cells in contrast to regular table salt.
  • What makes Monika’s Monster Bars different form other protein bars?
    MMbars are made with carefully selected high quality ingredients without additives, sugars, artificial flavours or GMO’s and taste great without that dry, gritty texture so many other protein bars have. They contain lots of protein and some carbohydrates for fast fuel after workouts and all the branched chain amino acids to replenish your muscles and tissues.
  • Can the bars be stored anywhere?
    No, because they are made out of a variety of natural ingredients without any preservatives and should be stored in a freezer for maximum shelf life and taken out when they will be consumed within a few hours.
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